Main Objectives
- To function as a National Organisation for training in the field of the Power Sector such as:
- Operation and maintenance of Power Stations.
- All other aspects of Electrical Energy Systems including Transmission, Sub-Transmission and Distribution.
- To act as an apex body for initiating and coordinating training programmes in the Power Sector in the country.
- To establish and run training Institutes for Engineers, Operators, Technicians and other personnel of the Power Sector.
Subsidiary Objectives
- To identify and assess the training needs of the Power Sector in the country.
- To coordinate the training activities of the various Utilities and those of other technical Institutions and supplement it with the training programmes of its own training Institutes.
- To establish standard norms regarding qualifications and training for personnel of various levels.
- To serve as a National Certification Authority for the purpose of certification of competence and/or participation to ensure availability of properly trained personnel to man the Electricity Supply Industry.
- To initiate, conduct and coordinate R&D studies in the field of Operation, Maintenance and Management of Power Generation and Transmission System and to prepare and conduct specialized training programmes.
- To establish, maintain and manage laboratories, workshops, experimental transmission lines, sub-station and other facilities required for maintenance of its objectives.
- To collect information and maintain documentation in the field of electricity generation and distribution.
- To collect, prepare, edit, print and publish material, paper, periodicals or reports in furtherance of the objectives of the Society.
- To organize seminars and workshops.
- To enter into agreements with any enterprise or institution or person and provide funds to them for specific training programmes, demonstrations, assignments, preparation of training material or technical guidance.