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NPTI Manuals


(Ministry of Power, Government of India)

Sector-33. Faridabad-121 003

Website : www.npti.in

Email : npti_library[at]yahoo.co[dot]in

Price list of NPTI publications

Sr No. Title Price(Rs.) Price(US$)
1 Thermal Power Plant Familiarisation (Vol. I) 400 20
2 Thermal Power Plant Farnliarisalion (Vol. II) 600 30
3 Thermal Power Plant Familiarisation (Vol.III) 425 21
4 Thermal Power Plant Familiarisation (Vol. IV) 400 20
5 Thermal Power Plant Operation 600 30
6 Thermal Power Plant Metallurgy 175 9
7 Control & Instrumentation (Vol. I) 600 30
8 Control & Instrumentation (Vol.II) 425 21
9 Control & Instrumentation (Vol.III) 350 18
10 Fans & Air Heaters 425 21
11 Fans & Air Heaters (Hindi) 425 21
12 Compressor & Compressed Air 200 10
13 Motor Maintenance 200 10
14 Battery Maintenance 250 13
15 Battery Maintenance (Hindi) 250 13
16 Hydro -Power Plant Familiarisation 400 20
17 Ash Handling 250 13
18 Valves 400 20
19 Valve Maintenance 350 18
20 Fuel Handling System Operation 250 13
21 Fuel Handling System Operation (Hindi) 250 13
22 Thermal Schematic Diagram (210 MW) 350 18
23 Pump Maintenance 400 20
24 Environmental Management in Power Sector 600 30
25 Thermal Power Plant Efficiency and Performance Monitoring 425 21
26 Thermal Power Plant Chemistry 350 18
27 Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Power Plant 400 20
28 Hydro Power 2000: An Indian Perspective 1000 50
29 Pump Anurakshan (Hindi) 350 18
30 Computer Ka Aadharbhoot Gyan (Hindi) 250 13
31 500 MW Fossil Fuel Power Plant Simulator Operating Procedures 550 28
32 Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion Boilers 250 13
33 Boiler Feed Pump Design, ConstrucUon & Operation 250 13
34 Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion Technology 250 13
35 Data Acquisition System & Distributed Digital Control 250 13
36 Electrical Protection System 350 18
37 Energy Audit and DSM in Power Utilities 400 20
38 KWU Steam Turbine Governing and Protection System 425 21
39 Load Management in Power Sector 400 20
40 Power Station Pumps 350 18
41 Static Excitation System 250 13
42 Vibration 200 10
43 210 MW Fossil Fuel Power Plant Simulator 550 28
44 Power Station Safety 350 18
45 Safety in Power Stations (Hindi) 200 10
46 National Training Policy for the Power Sector 200 10
47 Rashtriya Prashikshan Neeti (Hindi) 200 10
48 Relay Maintenance 200 10
49 Maintenance Planning & Cost Control 250 13
50 210 MW Thermal Schematic Diagrams (Combustion Engineering Boiler & KWU Turbine)  200 10
51 Condition Monitoring of Power Transformers 250 13
52 Environmental Pollution & Pollution Control 250 13
53 Control Valves Selection and Sizing 300 15
54 HP-LP Bypass System 350 18
55 Pulverisers and Feeders 200 10
56 Pulverised Fuel Fired Boilers 350 18
57 Power Transmission & Distribution 495 25
58 210 MW Turbo Generator Operation and Stability 200 10
59 Programmable Logic Controls 350 18
60 Programmable Logic Controller & Fuzzy Logic Controller and their Applications in instrumentation 250 13
61 Non-Conventional Power Plants 350 18
62 Maintenance of Power Transformers 350 18
63 Steam Turbines for Power Generation 650 33
64 O & M of EHV Sub-Stations ( Vol.I) 250 13
65 O & M of ENV Sub-Stations (Vol. II) 200 10
66 Power System Studies and Load Dispatch 350 18
67 Modernisation of Power Distribution (Focus on APDRP) 595 30
68 Energising Your Power Utility 395 20
69 Silting Problems in Hydro Power Plants & Their Possible Solutions 495 25
70 Uprating and Refurbishment of Hydro Power Plants 495 25
71 Journal on ERC Orders-2nd Edition 595 30
72 Hydro Environment Interface 950 48
73 Small Hydro 595 30
74 Renewable Energy 595 30
75 Manual on Energy Conservation and Management 250 13
76 Lubrication Systems for Power Station 300 15
77 Basics of Electric Power System 200 10
78 Selected Readings on Finance for Non-Finance Executives 260 13
79 Overview of Indian Power Sector- Organizational Setup 180 9
80 Inventory and Store Management 130 7
81 Selected Readings on General Management 240 12
82 Selected Readings on "Communication in Power Sectors" 270 14
83 Selected Readings on Power System Communication 110 6
84 Procurement Procedures & Contracting 500 25
85 Overview of Indian Power Sector-Regulatory Framework 350 18
86 Boiler Tube Failure Analyse & Prevention 160 8
87 Power Distribution Franchisee 360 18
88 CSR and Hider Sector 230 12
89 Rehabilitation & Resettlement- Challenges in Hydro Sector 260 13
90 Distribution Franchisee Business' : A case study of Nippur 400 20
91 Management of Transmission System 620 32
92 Hydro Power Plant Familiarisation 500 25
93 Fundamentals of  O&M of Hydro Power Plant (Vol. l) 190 10
94 FundameMals of  O&M of Hydro Power Plant (Vol. II) 300 15
95 Fundamentals of  O&M of Hydro Power Plant (Vol. Ill) 260 13
96 Fundamentals of  O&M of Hydro Power Plant (Vol. IV) 160 8
97 Fundamentals of  O&M of Hydro Power Plant (Vol. V) 270 14
98 EHV Power Transformers : Reliability Issues 150 8
99 Energy Audit and Energy Conservation Techniques for Thermal Power Stations 530 27
  1. Packing and forwarding charges Rs.50/- per book payable extra
  2. Special Offer- All books carry 10% discount for all and 30% discount for students
  3. The payment may be made through Demand Draft in favor of National Power Training Institute payable at Faridabad.
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