05-02-2025 |00:00:00 Screen Reader Access Skip to Content Sitemap

HoI Message, Guwahati

I am delighted to welcome you to National Power Training Institute, North Eastern Region (NPTI-NER) which is an apex national institution for human resource development in the Power Sector. NPTI-NER has been set up by the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India in the year 2003. Since then, NPTI-NER is working for human resource development of Power Sector and now ready to welcome participants for various long-term, mid-term and short-term courses with passion and enthusiasm. The training programs are committed to provide an experience that is tailored to the needs of India’s future manpower requirements for the industry and its emerging challenges. The programs will focus on the acquisition and application of knowledge and skill.

NPTI is renowned for the outstanding holistic training that we provide with focus on close interaction with the Industry Professionals and best international practices. Our trainees are trained to work in an environment which prepares them to achieve demanding targets, and have done exceptionally well in field conditions on the job. I am proud of our faculty members who are engaging the trainees in a wide range of exciting learning opportunities through classroom lectures, case studies, seminars, field visits and hands on training. Our team ensures that every trainee is cared and guidance is provided to meet their individual needs. Trainees leave NPTI, accomplished in academic proficiency and life skills that exceed expectations of the employers.

NPTI is a challenging and yet exhilarating place to learn. Our alumni in the key positions testify this. I warmly welcome power sector organisations to send their employees to NPTI- NER for a host of training we are offering for all round technical skill development and behavioural training.

Looking forward for nominations from your organisation..

Dr. Rohit Verma
HOI, Guwahati

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