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HoI Message Durgapur


National Power Training Institute (NPTI) has been established by the Govt. of India under the Ministry of Power; to function as the National apex body for Human Resource Development of Indian Power Sector. NPTI (Eastern Region) Durgapur is one of the 11 Institutes of NPTI established in 1968 and plays an important role in the field of HRD in the power sector as a leading Institute in the Eastern Region. The Institute has more than 50 years of professional expertise in the field of training and HRD in power sector with industry specific technical interface catering to the core power and allied energy sector. The Durgapur Institute is also equipped with Computer based Full Scope Replica Simulators of 210 MW/500 MW / 800 MW Fossil Fuel Thermal Power Plant to provide off job hands on training to improve the reflexes of engineers in emergent / normal operation situations of a power plant. The Institute is playing a pioneering role to prepare the manpower not only for the existing thermal, hydro, gas-based plants but also for the upcoming Renewable Energy Sector in a dedicated manner to achieve energy independence and grid compatibility.
During the last 3 years, the institute has organized about 200 training programs and trained about 6300 trainees from various Power Utilities. The participating organizations in various training programs were NTPC, GRIDCO, DVC, BPSCL, WBPDCL, ONGC, OPGC, TP-WODL, SBPDCL, JUSNL, OHPC, THDC, OPTCL, MPPGCL, JBVNL, WBSETCL, BBMB, NSPCL, NHDC, HINDALCO, NEEPCO, POWERGRID, NHPCL, DoP-Govt. of AP, NBPDCL, UJVNL, TP-CODL, SJVNL, WBSEDCL, TSECL, DoP-Govt. of Sikkim, TATA POWER, TSECL, PuUVNL, CSPDCL, TEESTA URJA, CESC , DoP- Govt. of A&N, OPGC, JSW Energy, CEA , PuVVNL etc. 
The major achievement of the institute during the last 3 year was finalization of Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) Batch with DVC for complete one year Induction training. This happened after a long gap. The Institute has already completed 1 year Induction Training for two batches consisting of 72 GETs . Currently, 51 GETs are undergoing one year Induction training and it is expected that about 176 more GETs will join the institute from November 2024. In addition to this, we have also completed Induction training for about 400 Jr. Engineers of West Bengal State Electricity Co. Ltd. (WBSETCL). Newly recruited Management Trainee (Technical) batch of Bokaro Power Supply co. Ltd. are also undergoing Induction Training at this institute. The Institute has also organized a number of short-term training programs on various topics very successfully for the middle & senior level executives of Power utilities. A number of Seminar/Conferences on burning issues of power sector were also organized by the institute in collaboration with ERPC, ERLDC & OHPC during last 3 years. The recent National Conference on “Sustainable Future of India with Green Power” conducted at Jaisalmer (Rajasthan) was highly successful and attended by more than 40 Power utilities. 
NPTI (Eastern Region) Durgapur was conferred “The Best Institute Award” amongst all 11 institutes of NPTI for the year 2023. The Institute is planning to organize more and more training programs for the power utilities and Govt. funded Programs ( RDSS & PMSGMBY) in near future to meet its core objective and self-sustenance.
Wishing you all a very exciting, innovative, and vibrant experience with NPTI.

Director & Head

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