The VSC - HVDC is going to form a major component for Grid interface along with Grid Intelligence to evacuate Wind power and having adequate interface with Grid. Since in large Grid like India, the major power Projects are based on Coal/Hydro, some of the new Projects are upcoming on large scale with Nuclear Power. Not only that it has been found that Four states such as Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh have untapped wind potential of more than 250000MW. While tapping this renewable, it is desired to have ON GRID interface with VSC- HVDC along with intelligent power control. Hence VSC HVDC is not only going to provide the successful GRID interface technology to handle wind intermittency but also to regulate smooth power flow without endangering Grid stability. Also, while evacuating large power from Nuclear Power and Huge Hydro units, the effective and well established HVDC technology will be the most suited to pool power through large Grids as such of India. The newer technology of HVDC and FACTS will provide a backbone notonly to make interconnected large Grid stable but also smarter in regulating the power injection with advance controls with embedded communication linked with software to drive in hierarchical controls at various stages. The Smart Grid is not only viewed with wind/solar energy interface with VSC-HVDC but also bulk power evacuation and adequate power injection with classical HVDC and new FACTS controllers at different nodes in large network using newer technology of WAMS. Since the control requirements are very important in SMART Grids, this has to be based on Agent Technology with proper hardware interface to realize the overall smooth power flow in the Grid. By developing a novel concept of Grid intelligence with Agent based control coordination at various levels of Distributed Energy Resources (DERS), Load Management and Grid Power Control under varying network conditions such as load/Grid power injection/DER variation, the overall system regulation may be effectively done.